


Through the study of Physics, our students develop practical science skills, a deep understanding of the scientific method and how to apply it, data analysis, objectivity and an understanding of the importance of science in our modern world.

In the first year of study students explore

  • Physical quantities and units

  • Kinematics

  • Dynamics

  • Forces, Density and Pressure

  • Work, Energy and Power

  • Deformation of solids

  • Waves

  • Superposition

  • Electricity

  • D.C. circuits

  • Particle physics

In year two students explore

  • Motion in a circle

  • Gravitational fields

  • Temperature

  • Ideal gases

  • Thermodynamics

  • Oscillations

  • Electric fields

  • Capacitance

  • Magnetic fields

  • Alternating currents

  • Quantum physics

  • Nuclear physics

  • Medical physics

  • Astronomy and cosmology

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Cambridge Physics